Where There Is Gratefulness There Is Not Always Thankfulness

It’s Thanksgiving Day, and I’ll admit I’m not a very thankful person, but I’ll also say I think I’m a grateful person. In thinking about the holiday today, I realized a few things about thankfulness.

A grateful person is appreciating some benefit given to them. That’s out of the dictionary, not me. Christmas Day is full of grateful people who are not at all thankful. The world is full of grateful people. I’ve visited countries around the world, wealthy and poor, and one thing remains the same: give a gift, a smile, or maybe a little money and I think you will find a similar spirit of gratefulness.

Thankfulness is an attitude deeper than being grateful, similar to the idea of happiness and joy. Happiness comes and goes with the circumstances or situations in our lives. Joy is an attitude; it’s planted deep within us, and it shows itself through every bit of our being. Thankfulness is the same, it’s not me choosing to express it or not, it’s just present and it’s evident. It’s rooted deep and can’t be easily uprooted.

I don’t want to be confusing because I think gratefulness is a good thing. It can be an expression of a truly thankful heart, but thankfulness can still exist even when there is nothing before our eyes to be grateful for.

Finally, I will admit something else; I wish Thanksgiving Day was everyday. I love turkey and every dessert, but even more than that, I wish for a heart with a deep-rooted thankfulness. I know it’s not a wish, it’s a work of God.

From Matt and Lisa, this November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

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