This thought of poverty has been on my mind lately. I have never seen poverty this vast. Even in my travels to South America and Asia nothing compares. I don’t think anyone would argue that poverty should be, where possible, removed from existence, but how that happens another story.
While having lunch with some guys from the church the other day an interesting question came up. Can you diminish poverty in society without at the same time diminishing the relevance of God?
As I thought about it, staying poor seemed like the best answer, but not the way you might think. Christ said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” I believe what Jesus is saying is blessed are those that need the presence of God. Maybe staying poor is the answer after all. We can grow in wealth and knowledge of many different kinds, but we don’t have to lose God in that process. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?
I’m writing this today because it encouraged me. Everyday we see the poorest of the poor living here in Malawi, and it can be overwhelming. Not a day goes by that we are not reminded of the harsh realities of life, and yet the reality for us is that helping the poor work out their poverty is not what we came to do. Perhaps all we came here to do was witness their faith. In spite of their circumstances, these are a privileged people. They are most often short on money but rarely short on faith.
4 Responses
Interesting and insightful. The prosperity test is when God removes the help of poverty and leaves us to seek His presence without the pressure. Miss u guys dad
Wow, thats really an amazing thought. We miss you too, Thanks Dad
Thanks you for this post. Thought provoking and encouraging! God bless you guys!
Thank you Sakari, are you the same Sakari that I was with in High School?