The Sunday Report vol.1
On Sunday, close to 70 people, including kids, came out to service. Pastor Chris is a great pastor and friend to the people in his church. This church didn’t happen over night, it’s the work of over 2 years. It’s also not a work done alone. Pastor Albert is Zambian and a solid pastor assisting Pastor Chris in church and Bible college. Julie Arman has been the team mom, among other things, being faithful in the little things, things that are actually not so little at all. The Malawian’s are last but not least in this picture, im still learning who they are and what they do, so soon I will have more to write about their contribution to the growth of the church.
I was privileged to share a brief introduction on Sunday morning. Speaking is not my gift, as far as I can tell. I end up trying not to look scared the whole time, and while I’m focused on that, I forget what I’m trying to say. My first determination was to be short, five minutes or less. The only thing worse than bad, is long and bad! My second determination was to encourage people. I spoke from 1 Timothy 1:12, mostly because I was so encouraged by the idea that Paul said he was counted faithful. In spite of his past, which he confesses in verse 13, and full of baggage that does not get a person on the faithful list, Paul was counted faithful. I suppose this defines mercy and grace in one picture.
I didn’t share this quote Sunday because I forgot to, but it’s from Oswald Chambers. He says, “Paul’s service was not in love for others, but love for his Lord.” Maybe I love people or maybe I don’t, but Christ first loved me. I know that, and, perhaps for now, knowing He loves me is the only motivation I need.
It was a privilege to speak, and I would do it again, but I’m ok if all I ever do is listen.
Pastor Chris spoke after I warmed up the crowd; I think they call the warm up guy the court jester. He shared, in part, on eternity. It was a great encouragement. One thing he said that stuck with me was, “We are learning about God here on earth, so we will know how to learn about Him in heaven.” This really brought forth the reality of eternity and the connection between heaven and earth. If we truly are eternal, then this time on earth is not a waste, it is preparing us for something greater.
To wrap it up, I was thinking about faithfulness and eternity. For us to be eternal, God would have had to counted us faithful before time began. This is sobering because just like the Apostle Paul, we can’t point to anything we have done in our entire lives to deserve His love. This is also liberating. We never have to do anything to keep His love.