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Yes, your giving is so important to us.
If it’s prayer, financial, packages in the mail or even a visit to Malawi! We need it. Lisa and I are self-supported missionaries with a vision to grow in our personal lives and to minister the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Malawi in that process.
Any gift is welcome and every gift or donation we receive goes directly toward the objectives listed below. We have no administration fees. After bank transfer fees, ATM fees and/or currency exchange fees, 100% of your gift or donation goes toward the work in Malawi.
How your giving will be used:
- Living expenses
- Travel funds for visiting each branch church in Malawi
- Local church projects
- Support to needy people in the local church
- Travel to and from the United States
We are seeing amazing growth in the men and women in the church. The people of Malawi love giving. Giving to each other, giving of their time and energy, even giving of tithes and offerings when they can. Your giving is not just supporting us but also a great help to the amazing people we live with here in Malawi.
For any questions please email us here.
Thank you for giving!